First live stream

Picture of Old Geezer's Xbox controller
Old Geezer's nifty looking controller

Monday night was my first live stream. FacelessJim set us up for a game in Grounded. Much to mastervara77‘s chagrin, a new home base had to be built separate from the one they had set up in their previous game. However, the fourth participant, gymleadrbryan happily spent much of the game constructing a home base, stopping occasionally to fight spiders and ants and things. He did disappear for a while when a monster spider attacked him – apparently he’s not very fond of spiders. In a masterstroke of subtle humour FacelessJim named the home base “The dog park,” in reference to our mission of “teaching an old dog new tricks.” mastervara77 was much amused by that, as evidenced by her laughter about 25 seconds in to the recording, which can be seen on FacelssJim’s channel embedded below. Unfortunately, Twitch doesn’t have a nice embed interface, so it’s just an url to click on instead of a pretty picture.

First up was to select a character – I chose Pete, because he looked like the nerdiest of the options. A short explanatory video gave the backstory – the town’s teens were all going missing, turns out they were being shrunk in a “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” type of scenario. FacelessJim had me learn the controls. Once explained they seemed fairly easy, and will get easier with practice. I finally figured out (with FacelessJim’s assistance) how to move around the world we found ourselves in. After a while, he showed me how to pick up objects and how to zip into the inventory to get things. Lots of fun.

I was online with them for a couple of hours, before marital duties called me away (my wife and I watch television together starting around 10 pm for a couple of hours). Even though I got killed by giant spiders and things a few times, it was quite enjoyable. Probably the best part was when I finally got an axe and a spear and was practicing. The one button on the controller swings the spear or axe, and the one underneath it throws it. Once I figured that out by accidentally throwing instead of swinging I had a great time throwing it, because FacelessJim, who was shepherding me throughout the experience, would retrieve it from wherever it ended up and bring it back to me, just like a pet dog would. Lotsa fun!

Looking forward to joining them for another game soon!

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